What is Annual Return?

What is Annual Return?
  • When do secretary need to submit annual returns?
All Sdn Bhd must be submitted within 30 days of the anniversary date of the company's incorporation.
Example: If the date of incorporation is 1 Jan 2023, it must be submitted by 31 Jan 2024
  • The contents of the annual report include:


Company's business address, branch address (if any)
and document storage address
Principal activities and nature of business
Registered Address Company debts
Company shares and shareholder details Company directors, executive managers
Company Secretary Auditors
Pledged Assets Compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act
and the Companies Act Statement
  • How to submit an annual return?
The Secretary will use SSM's specific website MBRS to input the information for re-presentation
  • Is there a penalty if submit Annual Return late?
SSM may fine the company and each colleague and even the company secretary up to RM50,000
under section 68(9) of the Companies Act 2016


Feb 26,2024