Intangible Assets

Intangible Assets
1. What are intangible assets?
@Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary assets without physical form.
@Their existence is recorded through legal documents.
@The company has control over these assets.
@They are expected to generate economic benefits in the future.
2. The company's intangible assets include:
A. Patent - A proprietary right granted to the inventor or creator of an invention within a statutory period.
B. Goodwill - An intangible asset generated when a buyer acquires an existing business.
C. Copyright - A form of intellectual property that grants the owner exclusive rights to creative works for a limited time.
D.Trademark - A recognizable sign, symbol, or expression identifying a product, service, or individual or business entity associated with it.
i. Trademark (TM) - Indicates that a trademark is in the application process and does not have legal protection yet.
ii. Registered (R) - Indicates that a trademark has been registered and enjoys legal protection.
E. Franchise - A contractual agreement allowing the franchisee to use the franchisor's name, trademark, proprietary technology, products, and operational expertise for a fee.
F. Brand - The identifying symbol, logo, slogan, or value proposition of a company's products or services.
G. Customer Data - All personal, behavioral, and demographic information collected from a customer base.
H. Proprietary Software - A permission granted by the software publisher or other entity to allow certain rights to use, modify, share modifications, or share the software, restricting the user's freedom to use the software.
Common accounting issue: Research expenses cannot be capitalized. This is because research expenses occur at the beginning of a period, making it difficult to predict whether there will be economic benefits in the future.
*Any expenses incurred during the research phase will be recognized as expenses and recorded in the income statement.*
Feb 27,2024